Origin Story: Dominican Republic Zorzal Cacao
Dominican Republic Zorzal Cacao has made a name for themselves. Founders of Moka Origins, Ishan and Jeff, travelled to the Dominican Republic upon invitation from friend...
Origin Story: Cameroon Mt Oku Coffee Part 2
Cameroon stole our hearts. For over a decade, Moka’s founders have worked alongside communities in different parts of Cameroon, slowly developing an understanding of the...
As you may have noticed, we haven’t posted on our blog since the new year… but all for good reason. Because of you, those who...
2017 Stats: Let's Count The Beans
Hey Friends, 2017 was quite a year and we could not have done it without you! Let’s reminisce about a few things! We kicked off...
Origin Story: Cameroon Mt Oku Coffee
Our partnerships with farmers to increase coffee yields and enhance market access started in Northwest Cameroon’s scenic Oku Valley, named for the tribes that live...
Our Factory In Honesdale Is Open!
The time has come - earlier this year in 2017, we opened our factory in Honesdale, PA! While we continue to expand our farm in West...
Breaking Ground in Cameroon, Africa
Moka Origins co-founders Ishan Tigunait and Jeff Abella planted Moka Farms in 2015 after working with the Himalayan Institute Cameroon (a Not For Profit Organization)...
We Meet At Last
It’s here! The Moka Origins Blog! Your source for everything chocolate and coffee, in harmony with those who make it. It’s been a whirlwind journey...