Hey Friends,
2017 was quite a year and we could not have done it without you! Let’s reminisce about a few things!
We kicked off the year by gathering around a fountain of chocolate as we inaugurated our new production facility in Honesdale PA. We packed 200 people from all around the United States into our 1,200 sqft space and celebrated our farm-to-bean-to-bar social enterprise business model.
In Honesdale, our focus was dominated by our dream to perfect the art of small-batch coffee and chocolate. Meanwhile, 6,000 miles away on our farm in Cameroon, we entered our 3rd planting year- using agriculture as a vehicle to generate livelihood and community development.
From the northern mountains of the Dominican Republic to smallholder farms nestled underneath Mt Cameroon in Africa, our search for partners in coffee and chocolate remained steadfast. Today, we have strong bonds with our farmers and suppliers and are still creating more bonds as we move forward.
We’re amped as ever for 2018 and look forward to even more progressive shifts toward sustainability, social justice, and great coffee and chocolate.

What else did we do this year?
Let's count the beans...
- 6,600 trees planted. Cacao, plantain, papaya and more
- 4,300 ft of water pipe laid on our farm. We can now irrigate year round while providing clean water to our community
- 2 important certifications achieved: Rainforest Alliance and Fairtrade, with Organic pending
- We won our 1st award - Innovator Of The Year for Wayne County
- 5,080 cups of our Cold Brew were enjoyed
- We shipped to 35 states as well as UK, India, Cayman Islands, and the Dominican Republic
- 7,300 chocolate bars were poured and hand wrapped
- 9,100 lbs of coffee moved through our roastery
- We dished out 16,640 free chocolate samples on our weekly factory tours
- 980 shots of espresso we're pulled and consumed by our staff

Not too shabby for year #1. But much more important than numbers were the human bonds that we built this year through distribution partnerships, weekly tours, and visits by individuals intrigued by the idea of a mission-driven product company.
For those of you whom we have not yet met, please let our coffee and chocolate do all the talking.
Many thanks!
Jeff Abella
Co-Founder and CEO,